Print Collection coming soon!

Print Collection coming soon!

Love my paintings but not in a position to invest in original art?

Wait no more! I am launching a print collection at the end of this month 💃🏼

I have been inundated with requests for prints since I painted Freddie Mercury in the Get Messy Challenge and it’s been bubbling away behind the scenes. The style has been developed, charcoal & oil paint have been brought into the mix and your favourite icons have become my muses!

Keep an eye out for details next week, and there will be subscriber only offers! If you wanna get involved sign up to the newsletter and you’ll have more info landing very soon ❤️

At the moment it’s still very much in the concept phase but there is going to be a big push over the next couple of weeks to get these looking PERFECT…Can’t wait to share them with you!

Here’s a little sneak peek of one of my potential pieces so far…only the best will make the cut!

Painting of Amy Winehouse as the Queen of Hearts. She is painted on top of a collage of papers which are showing through the portrait. The style is the same as a traditional playing card.

What do you think? Get in touch and let me know! 

Sending all my love, 

Danielle xx

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